Guide to SILVER Ancient GREEK COINS - See RARE Collection Types
Learn what different ancient silver Greek coins looked like and about the different numismatic coins for collecting purposes.
The ancient Greeks used several metals, predominantly gold, silver and bronze types for their money standards. The ancient Greek world had a lot of city-states and kingdoms that stretched out into vast empires. The purpose of this guide and video illustrated above is to get you acquainted with some of the rarest, most desirable types of ancient silver Greek coins. With the focus being on silver, we explore 35 different ancient coins in my collection which are available in my online eBay coin shop. You can also:- Click here to see all ancient SILVER GREEK COINS available for sale
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Just Some of the RARE Ancient Greek Coins Large Small and All Sizes in Between - Watch the video above or scroll to see pictures
The benefit of this guide is that you are leveraging my many years of experience in dealing with ancient coins to benefit you. I have worked with over 55,000 ancient coins, antiquities and even world coins. I guarantee all of my coins authentic for a lifetime and provide a beautiful, professionally-presented Certificate of Authenticity with every coin. I am appreciative of my amazing patrons who value ancient coins or see them as art in miniature and I am grateful for their positive comments about their experiences with me. Enjoy the many descriptions and pictures of the coins I show in the video. When clicking on the photos below, it will bring up all silver Greek coins, or if you click on the underlined words, you will search my store for that term to see all coins with that keyword.KAULONIA in BRUTTIUM 530BC Very RARE Ancient Silver Greek Stater Coin i31196
Greek city of Kaulonia in Bruttium Silver Stater 28mm (6.23 grams) Struck 530-480 B.C. Reference: Sear 252; B.M.C. 1.9 KAVΛ. Apollo, naked, walking right, holding laurel-branch in right hand and bearing on his left arm a small running naked figure, also carrying branch; in field to right, stag standing right, looking back. Similar to obverse, but incuse and reversed, and without legend.Side in Pamphylia 183BC Silver Tetradrachm LARGE Ancient Greek Coin i54544
Greek city of Side in Pamphylia Silver Tetradrachm 28mm (16.34 grams) Struck circa 183-175 B.C. under Kleuchares, magistrate. Reference: SNG von Aulock 4797; SNG France 696-701; SNG Copenhagen 40 Helmeted head of Athena right. Nike advancing left, holding wreath; in left field, pomegranate; ΚΛΕ - ΥΧ across fields.Athens Greece ARCHAIC 490BC TETRADRACHM Ancient Silver Greek Coin OWL i52150
Greek city of Athens in Attica Greece - Archaic Silver Tetradrachm 20mm (16.90 grams) Struck circa 490-482 B.C. Reference: HGC 4, 1591 (R2); Seltman 1927, Groups E and F; Cf. Svoronos Pl. 5; cf. Asyut pl. XVIII Archaic head of Athena right wearing crested helmet decorated with chevron and dot pattern. Owl standing right, head facing, olive sprig behind, ΑΘΕ before.Athens in Attica Greece 320BC Ancient Tetradrachm Silver Greek Coin i40763
Greek city of Athens in Attica Greece - Silver Tetradrachm 21mm (17.13 grams) Struck circa 320-294 B.C. Reference: Svornos-pl.20#5 Head of Athena right, of more advanced style, the eye seen in true profile; she wears crested helmet ornamented with three olive-leaves and floral scroll. Owl standing right, head facing; to right AΘE; to left, olive-twig and crescent.ATHENS Attica Greece 353BC Authentic Ancient Silver Greek Coin ATHENA OWL i53512
Greek city of Athens in Attica Greece - Silver Hemidrachm 13mm (1.99 grams) Struck circa 353-294 B.C. Reference: Kroll 19c-h; HGC 4, 1642 Head of Athena right, with profile eye, wearing Attic helmet. Owl standing facing between olive sprays; AΘE around.
SELINOS in SICILY 540BC Parsley Leaf Stater Ancient Silver Greek Coin i46253
Greek city of Selinos in Sicily Silver Stater 22mm (8.43 grams) Struck circa 540-515 B.C. Reference: HGC 2, 1208; Arnold-Biucchi 1992, no. 3 (R1) Wild parsley leaf. Incuse square with twelve alternating raised and lowered triangular compartments. KELENDERIS CILICIA 425BC Stater Nude Horse Rider Goat Silver Greek Coin i46254
Greek city of Kelenderis in Cilicia Silver Stater 22mm (10.67 grams) Struck circa 425-400 B.C. Reference: SNG BN Paris 49 (stgl.). SNG von Aulock 5627 (stgl.). Kraay, Celenderis Hoard, NC 1962, 5, 16 (stgl.); Sear 5529 var. Naked rider, with whip in left hand, seated sideways on horse prancing left, from which he is about to dismount, KEΛ below. Goat kneeling left, looking back; ivy-spray above goat.Kingdom of ELYMAIS Kamnaskires VI 1-2CenAD Silver Tetradrachm Greek Coin i46270
Greek Coin Kingdom of Elymais Kamnaskires VI - King: late 1st-early 2nd Century A.D. Billon Silver Tetradrachm 29mm (14.66 grams) Reference: Sear GIC 5888; B.M.C. 28.250,14; De Morgan 17 (pl. II, 1) Diademed and cuirassed bust of king left, with long beard and wide fringe of hair below diadem; behind, star within crescent above anchor. Male bust left, diademed and draped, with short beard; badly blundered Greek legend in four lines forming square around.ARADOS in PHOENICIA 350BC Stater Deity Galley Ancient Silver Greek Coin i46289
Greek city of Arados in Phoenicia of King Gerostratos possibly Silver Stater 18mm (9.87 grams) Struck 350-332 B.C. Reference: Sear 5977; B.M.C. 26.11,67 Laureate head of bearded deity right. Galley right, on three lines of waves; above, Phoenician letters.
ALEXANDER III the GREAT Pella Antigonos II Tetradrachm Silver Greek Coin i46302
Greek Coin of Macedonian Kingdom Alexander III the Great - King of Macedonia: 336-323 B.C. Struck under Antigonos II Gonatas: Macedonian King: 277-239 B.C. Silver Tetradrachm 27mm (16.80 grams) Pella mint, circa: 275-271 B.C. Reference: Price 621; Müller 230; SNG Copenhagen 713; Mathisen, Administrative VI.6, dies A19/P44 Head of Alexander the Great as Hercules right, wearing the lion-skin headdress. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AΛEΞANΔΡOY, Zeus Aetophoros seated left, holding eagle and scepter; Macedonian helmet in field to left; OK monogram below throne. SELEUKOS I Nikator Tetradrachm Athena ELEPHANT Silver Greek Coin Seleukid i46301
Greek Coin of Seleucid Kingdom Seleukos I, Nikator - King: 312-280 B.C. Silver Tetradrachm 26mm (17.27 grams) Struck circa 312-280 B.C. Reference: Sear 6831 var.; HGC 9, 18 Laureate head of Zeus right. Athena, brandishing spear and holding shield, standing in chariot drawn right by four horned elephants; on left, ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ; in exergue, ΣEΛΕYKOY.CORINTH 375BC Athena Pegasus Silver Stater Ancient Greek Coin Triskeles i46350
Greek city of Corinth in Corinthia Silver Stater 21mm (8.40 grams) Struck circa 375-300 B.C. Reference: Ravel 1065; Pegasi 383; BCD Corinth 126 Pegasus, with pointed wing, flying left; koppa beneath. Helmeted head of Athena left; behind, N and triskeles of crescents within circle.LARISSA in THESSALY 356BC Silver Drachm Nymph Horse Ancient Greek Coin i47969
Greek city of Larissa in Thessaly Silver Drachm 20mm (5.86 grams) Struck circa 356-320 B.C. Reference: HGC 4, 453; BCD Thessaly II, lot 280 Pedigree: Ex BCD Collection with his original hand-written tag and photos of this coin Head of nymph Larissa facing three-quarters left, wearing ampyx. ΛAPI/ΣΑIΩN, Horse grazing right.LYTTOS in CRETE 430BC Eagle Boar Authentic Ancinet Silver Greek Coin i49264
Greek city of Lyttos in Crete Silver Drachm 20mm (5.50 grams) Struck circa 430-320 B.C.. Reference: Sear 3237; Svoronos, Numismatique 19; SNG Copenhagen -; BMC 5 Eagle flying left. ΓVΤΤSΘΝ, Head of boar right in dotted square within incuse square.THASOS an ISLAND off THRACE Archaic 525BC Satyr Nymph Silver Greek Coin i49355
Greek city of Thasos, an Island off Thrace Silver Stater 22mm (8.54 grams) Struck circa 525-463 B.C. Reference: HGC 6, 331; Le Rider 1-2 and 5; Sear 1357; Weber 2500; Price & Waggoner 100-126 Naked ithyphallic satyr in kneeling-running attitude right, carrying in his arms a struggling nymph who raises her right hand in protest. Quadripartite incuse square.SKOTUSSA in THESSALY 440BC Horse Wheat-grain Ancient Silver Greek Coin i52158
Greek city of Skotussa in Thessaly Silver Drachm 18mm (6.02 grams) Struck circa 440-420 B.C. Reference: HGC 4, 587; Sear 2217; BCD Thessaly II, lots 728-729; Weber 2927 Forepart of horse prancing left. ΣKO, Wheat-grain in its husk; all within incuse square.EPHESOS in IONIA 340BC SILVER Tetradrachm Bee Stag Ancient Greek Coin i53493
Greek city of Ephesos in Ionia Silver Tetradrachm 24mm (15.01 grams) Struck circa 340-325 B.C under magistrate Euktitos Reference: BMC 41; Pixodarus O155-2; Head Chronology, p. 34, class a, 26, Mionnet S VI, 191; Babelon Traite 1883.40 E-Φ to left and right of bee with straight wings. EYKTITOΣ, Forepart of stag recumbent right, head left, palm tree to left.JUBA II Mauretenia CLEOPATRA SELENE Mark Antony CHILD Silver Greek Coin i53496
Greek Kigdom of Mauretenia Juba II - King 25 B.C. - 23 A.D. Juba II & Cleopatra Selene Silver Denarius 17mm (3.23 grams) Reference: Sear GIC 6005; Müller III, 109,95 REX IVBA, Diademed head of Juba II right. BACIΛICCA KΛЄOΠΑΤΡΑ, large star within crescent.ASPENDOS in PAMPHYLIA 370BC Silver Greek Coin NUDE WRESTLERS Triskeles i53498
Greek city of Aspendos in Pamphylia Silver Stater 22mm (10.46 grams) Struck 370-333 B.C. Reference: Sear 5398 var.; B.M.C. 19. 98, 35-6 var. Pedigree: Ex Bowers January 1984, 3287 Two naked athletes, wrestling, grasping each other by the arms; AΦ between them. Slinger standing right, about to discharge his sling; triskeles before; ΕΣΤFEΔIΙYΣ behind; all within dotted square.EUKRATIDES I 171BC Silver Tetradrachm RARE R1 Indo Greek Baktria Coin i53503
Indo Greek & Baktria Kingdom in India Eukratides I Megas - King circa 171-145 B.C. Silver Tetradrachm 33mm (16.06 grams) Struck circa 170-145 B.C. Reference: HGC 12, 130 Rare R1; Bopearachchi 1 Diademed and draped bust right. The Dioscuri (Gemini twins) on horses rearing right; monogram below.KROTON BRUTTIUM 350BC Authentic Ancient Silver Greek Coin Eagle Tripod i45941
Greek city Kroton in Bruttium Silver Stater / Nomos 22mm (7.79 grams) Struck circa 350-300 B.C. Reference: SNGANS-362; HNItaly-2172 Eagle standing left atop olive branch. Tripod altar, KPO in field to left; Δ in field to right.APAMEIA in PHRYGIA 88BC Cistophoric Tetradrachm Ancient Silver Greek Coin i53491
Greek city of Apameia in Phrygia Silver Cistophoric Tetradrachm 23mm (11.28 grams) Struck circa 88-67 B.C. Attalos and Timo-, magistrates. Reference: Sear 5113 var.; Kleiner, Late Issue XVII; SNG Copenhagen 156 Cista mystica with serpent; all within ivy-wreath. Two serpents entwined around bow and bowcase; ATTA/ΛΟY/TIMΩ in three lines above, aulos (double flute) to right; TA in field to left.VELIA in LUCANIA 300BC Philistion group Silver Greek Coin Athena Lion i53521
Greek city of Velia in Lucania Silver Stater 21mm (6.89 grams) Struck circa 300-280 B.C. Philistion group. Reference: Williams 506 (O254/R355); HN Italy 1312; SNG ANS 1387; Weber 938 Head of Athena left, wearing crested Attic helmet decorated with a dolphin, Φ on neck guard. Lion standing right; above, Φ-I flanking ornate trident head right; YEΛHTΩN in exergue.AKRAGAS in SICILY 510BC Didrachm EAGLE CRAB Silver Greek Coin RARE R1 i53571
Greek city of Akragas in Sicily Silver Didrachm 21mm (8.23 grams) Struck circa 510-500 B.C. Reference: HGC 2, 87 Rare R1; Jenkins 1970, Group Ia AKRA/CANTOΣ, Eagle standing left. Crab.Celtic Eastern Europe Silver Tetradrachm as Greek Philip II Macedon Coin i54000
Celtic Tribe of Eatern Europe Making coins in style of Greek king Philip II - King of Macedon: 359-336 B.C. Silver Tetradrachm 25mm (14.20 grams) under unknown Celtic Tribe circa Early 3rd century B.C. Reference: Lanz -; CCCBM I -; Pink - Laureate head of Zeus right. ΦΙΛΠΠΟΥ, Youth on horseback right, holding palm; below belly, Λ above torch; K below raised foreleg.THASOS Island off Thrace Dionysus Hercules Silver Greek Tetradrachm Coin i54356
Greek city of Thasos, an Island off Thrace Silver Tetradrachm 35mm (16.68 grams) Struck after 148 B.C. Reference: Sear 1759; B.M.C 3. 67-78; SNG Cop. 1039 Head of young Dionysos right, wreathed with ivy and with the band across forehead. HPAKΛΕΟΥΣ ΣΩΤΗΡΟΣ ΘΑΣΙΩΝ, Hercules, naked, standing left, holding club, lion's skin over left arm; monogram in field to left.WINGED MONSTER on RARE Himera in Sicily 465BC Ancient Silver Greek Coin i36632
Greek city of Himera in Sicily Silver Litra 11mm (0.63 grams) Struck circa 465-415 B.C. Reference: Sear 816 var; B.M.C. 2.41 var. Forepart of monster right, with bearded human head, goat's horn, lion's paw and curled wing. HIMERAION, Naked youth seated on goat prancing left.
Tarsus Cilicia 369BC Silver Greek Coin NGC Certified AU Datames Satrap i28602
Greek city of Tarsus in Cilicia Datames, Persian Satrap of Cilicia and Cappadocia, 369-361 B.C. Silver Stater (23mm, 10.55gm.), Tarsos, 369-361 B.C. Reference: SNGLev 83; SNGFr 292, BMC 35; SNG Cop 300, SNGvA 5943. Certification: NGC Ancients Ch AU Strike: 4/5 Surface: 3/5 4277593-001 BALTRZ (=Baaltars) in Aramaic to left, Baaltars seated right, torso facing, holding eagle-tipped scepter in right hand, grain ear & grape-bunch in left; thymiaterion to right; all within crenellated wall. TDNM (=Datames) in Aramaic in the center, Ana, nude, facing Datames; both have their right arms raised; between them, thymiaterion; all within pelleted square border within linear border.
KROTON in BRUTTIUM 480BC Silver Stater NGC Certified Ch XF Greek Coin i53836
Greek city Kroton in Bruttium Silver Stater 20mm (7.58 grams) Struck circa 480-430 B.C. Reference: SNG ANS-266 NGC Ancients Certified Ch XF Strike: 5/5 Surface: 3/5 3762382-007 Tripod altar, heron at left. Incuse altar. Pedigree: From the Dr. Michael Phillip Collection. Ex: Stack's Sale December 7, 8 1989 Lot# 3016. Ex: Stack's Sawhill Sale March 1979 Lot#1009. Ex: Stack's Massachusetts Historical Society Sale March 1971, Lot# 77.
KYRENE KYRENAICA 308BC Silphium Plant NGC Certified VF Silver Greek Coin i53837
Greek city of Kyrene in Kyrenaica Silver Didrachm 18mm (7.73 grams) Struck circa 308-277 B.C. Reference: SNG Cop-1234; BMC-29.51,229 NGC Ancients Certified Ch VF Strike: 3/5 Surface: 5/5 3762382-009 Diademed head of Carneius wearing horn of Ammon facing right. Silphium plant with two pairs of leaves, cornucopiae in right field. Pedigree: From the Dr. Michael Phillip Collection; Ex: Stack's Sale December 7, 8 1989 Lot# 3212.
AMPHIPOLIS in MACEDONIA 158BC NGC Certified TETRADRACHM Silver Greek Coin i54510
Greek city of Amphipolis in Macedonia Silver Tetradrachm 30mm (16.96 grams) Struck 158-149 B.C. Reference: Sear 1386 Certification: NGC Ancients Ch XF Strike: 5/5 Surface: 4/5 3987680-080 Macedonian shield, at center of which but of Artemis Tauropolos right; bow and quiver at her shoulder. MAKEΔONΩΝ / ΠΡΩΤΗΣ above and below club right; in field above, monogram; all within oak-wreath, to left of which, thunderbolt. 225BC Alexander the Great LYSIMACHOS Kalchedon Tetradrachm NGC Greek Coin i54512
Greek city of Kalchedon in Bithynia in the name and types of Lysimachos - King of Thrace: 323-281 B.C. - Silver Tetradrachm 28mm (16.94 grams) Struck circa 225 B.C. Reference: HGC 7, 526; Marinescu Group IV, Issue 46, 104.1 (O41/R95 - this coin); Müller 254 Certification: NGC Ancients Ch XF Strike: 5/5 Surface: 3/5 4246219-010 Diademed head right of the deified Alexander the Great, wearing the horn of Ammon. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΛΥΣΙΜΑXΟΥ, Athena Nikephoros seated left, left arm resting on shield, spear behind; bow and quiver to inner left; monogram in field to left; grain ear below.ALEXANDER III the GREAT 260BC NGC Certified Silver TETRADRACHM Greek Coin i54522
Alexander III the Great - King of Macedonia: 336-323 B.C. Silver Tetradrachm 27mm (16.74 grams) Kalchedon in Bithynia mint, circa 260-220 B.C. Reference: Price 929 var. (Kallatis; monogram below throne); SNG München -; SNG Alpha Bank -; SNG Saroglos - Certification: NGC Ancients XF Strike: 5/5 Surface: 4/5 Fine Style 4277580-002 Head of Alexander the Great as Hercules right, wearing the lion-skin headdress. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ AΛEΞANΔΡOY, Zeus Aetophoros seated left, holding eagle and scepter; KA monogram in field to left; ΔX monogram below throne.Patraos King of Paeonia 335BC NGC Certified Ch XF Silver Tetradrachm Coin i54736
Greek Coin of the Kingdom of Paeonia Patraos - King, circa 340-315 B.C. Silver Tetradrachm 27mm (12.49 grams) Struck circa 335-315 B.C. Reference: Sear 1520; B.M.C. 5.4; Paeonian Hoard I, 227 (these dies); SNG ANS 1030 Certification: NGC Ancients Ch XF Strike: 5/5 Surface: 4/5 4277578-004 Provenance: ex Paeonian Hoard of 1968 (IGCH 410) Laureate head of Apollo right, with short hair. ΠATPAOY, Paeonian cavalryman, wearing crested Attic helmet and full armor, on horseback galloping right and spearing fallen Macedonian solider holding a round shield, a bucranium in left field.Guide to Ancient Greek SILVER Coins Collecting How To Overview of the Types
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Article by Ilya Zlobin, world-renowned expert numismatist, enthusiast, author and dealer in authentic ancient Greek, ancient Roman, ancient Byzantine coins and beyond.
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Originally Published Here: Ancient GREEK SILVER COINS Collecting Guide An interesting article pertaining to ancient coin collecting. World-renowned numismatic expert created this to teach.
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